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Metadata last updated on 2025-01-08 14:20:12.0


  1. 16S data from: Diversity of Pico- to Mesoplankton along the 2000 km Salinity Gradient of the Baltic Sea (Hu et al. 2016)
    16S rRNA gene metabarcoding data of surface water microbial communities from 21 off-shore stations following a transect from Kattegat to the Gulf of Bothnia in the Baltic Sea. The data was published in:
  2. 16S: A comprehensive dataset on spatiotemporal variation of microbial plankton communities in the Baltic Sea
    A dataset covering spatiotemporal variation in prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial communities and physicochemical parameters of the Baltic Sea. Between January 2019 and February 2020, 281 transect-time course samples and 65 samples for protocol testing were collected from 19 stations in the Baltic Sea, Kattegat and Skagerrak...
  3. 18S Metabarcoding Genetic Observations of Marine Species in the Port of Wallhamn, Sweden (2022)
    This dataset contains genetic observations of marine species in the port of Wallhamn between June and September 2022.
  4. 18S data from: Diversity of Pico- to Mesoplankton along the 2000 km Salinity Gradient of the Baltic Sea (Hu et al. 2016)
    18S rRNA gene metabarcoding data of surface water microbial communities from 21 off-shore stations following a transect from Kattegat to the Gulf of Bothnia in the Baltic Sea. The data was published in:
  5. 18S: A comprehensive dataset on spatiotemporal variation of microbial plankton communities in the Baltic Sea
    A dataset covering spatiotemporal variation in eukaryotic microbial communities and physicochemical parameters of the Baltic Sea. Between January 2019 and February 2020, 281 transect-time course samples and 65 samples for protocol testing were collected from 19 stations in the Baltic Sea, Kattegat and Skagerrak...
  6. Algae (S)
    This database contains information on the algae specimens registered so far in the herbarium of the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  7. Artportalen
    Artportalen is a website for reporting and retrieving information on observations of Sweden’s plants, animals and fungi. Observations are entered individually or into several thousand subsets/projects (some of which are individually searchable) by individuals and NGOs (95% of data), by public authorities or agencies, and by corporate enterprises...
  8. Axel W. Erikssons African Bird Collection at Vänersborg Museum
    Birds in Axel W. Eriksson collection was collected in South-Western Africa during 1867-1887. The birds are mainly collected by Axel W. Eriksson himself, with the exception of a few specimens collected by Charles John Andersson. The geographical range of the collection includes present-day Namibia, Angola, South Africa and Botswana...
  9. Beetles (LSM)
    This database contains information of registered specimens and observations of the beetle collection of the Forest and Sami Museum in Lycksele, Sweden.
  10. Bird Collection of Helsingborg Museums
    The bird collection of Helsingborg Museums consists at present of over 2200 individuals representing about 650 species. The collection was mainly acquired during the early 1900’s.
  11. Bird Collection of Otto Hedin
    This dataset contains information on 423 registered specimens of the private collection of birds by Otto Hedin currently curated at Kärrboda Gårdsmuseum, Nyköping, Sweden. The dataset was prepared by Kristina Hedin in 2014. The collection contains specimens collected between 1810 and 1915.
  12. Bird Ringing Centre in Sweden (NRM)
    This database contains information about bird ringing in Sweden.
  13. Botany (UPS)
    Database of the botany collection of the Museum of Evolution in Uppsala.
  14. CO1 Amplicon Sequence Variants of bulk arthropod samples (homogenized) collected with Malaise traps from the Insect Biome Atlas project in Sweden
    Amplicon Sequence Variants of 418bp of CO1 from homogenized arthropod community samples collected with Malaise traps from the Insect Biome Atlas project in Sweden. This resource is currently published as 'Metadata-only', but occurrence data will be added following the imminent publication of our data paper.
  15. CO1 Amplicon Sequence Variants of bulk arthropod samples (mild lysis) collected with Malaise traps from the Insect Biome Atlas project in Sweden
    Amplicon Sequence Variants of 418bp of CO1 from mild lysed arthropod community samples collected with Malaise traps from the Insect Biome Atlas project in Sweden. This resource is currently published as 'Metadata-only', but occurrence data will be added following the imminent publication of our data paper.
  16. CO1 Amplicon Sequence Variants of bulk arthropod samples (preservative ethanol) collected with Malaise traps from the Insect Biome Atlas project in Sweden
    Amplicon Sequence Variants of 418bp of CO1 from the preservative ethanol of bulk arthropod samples collected with Malaise traps from the Insect Biome Atlas project in Sweden. This resource is currently published as 'Metadata-only', but occurrence data will be added following the imminent publication of our data paper.
  17. CO1 Amplicon Sequence Variants of soil and leaf litter arthropod communities collected at Malaise traps from the Insect Biome Atlas project in Sweden
    Amplicon Sequence Variants of 418bp of CO1 from soil and leaf litter arthropod communities collected at Malaise traps from the Insect Biome Atlas project in Sweden. This resource is currently published as 'Metadata-only', but occurrence data will be added following the imminent publication of our data paper.
  18. COI Metabarcoding Genetic Observations of Marine Species in the Port of Wallhamn, Sweden (2022)
    This dataset contains genetic observations of marine species in the port of Wallhamn between June and September 2022.
  19. Coastal birds in the Gulf of Bothnia (Kustfåglar i Bottniska Viken)
    Coastal birds in the Gulf of Bothnia (Kustfåglar i Bottniska Viken) is a joint subprogramme (gemensamt delprogram) within the regional environmental monitoring in Sweden. The programme is run by the four County Administrative Boards (Länsstyrelsen) of Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland and Gävleborg...
  20. Entomological Collection (GNM)
    The insect collection at Gothenburg Natural History Museum (GNM) contains several million specimens of insects from many areas of the world. The oldest specimens date are from the early 19th century. Some of the collections were donated to the museum by private individuals, and we also have specimens from inventories carried out by museum staff, mainly at localities in Sweden...
  21. Entomological Collections (NHRS), Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM)
    The dataset represents the digital holdings of insects, arachnids (mites and spiders) and myriapods (millipedes and centipedes) at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. These collections include over three million specimens, are international in scope, and have broad systematic and geographic coverage.
  22. Environmental long read amplicons of soil fungi across Podzol soil profile
    Soil samples were collected in mid-October 2013 from Ivantjärnsheden field station in Jädraås (60°49‘N, 16°30’E, altitude 185 m), a well-documented field site in central Sweden (Persson, 1980) with Pinus sylvestris L. overstory and an understory of ericaceous dwarf shrubs (Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull and Vaccinium vitis-ideae L...
  23. Fish Collection NRM
    This database contains information on the so far registered specimens in the fish collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The database is managed with The Artedian collection management system in MS-Access. The main tables describe collecting events and collection objects which are related on a one to many relationships...
  24. FishBase Database
    FishBase is a global biodiversity information system on fin-fishes. From its initial goal to provide key facts on population dynamics for 200 major commercial species, FishBase has now grown to having a wide range of information on all species currently known in the world: taxonomy, biology, trophic ecology, life history, and uses, as well as historical data reaching back to 250 years.
  25. Fungi (S)
    This database contains information on the fungi specimens registered so far in the herbarium of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The fungi collection, the fungarium, consists of approximately 32,000 species and 370,000 objects, apart from the lichenized (lichen-forming) fungi, which are kept in a separate collection...
  26. Herbarium GB, University of Gothenburg
    This database contains information from Gothenburg herbarium, Herbarium GB. It is a university-wide research infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg in the Department of Biology and Environmental Science.
  27. Herbarium of Umeå University (UME)
    Herbarium UME is a public research herbarium encompassing approximately 300 000 specimens of vascular plants, mosses, algae, fungi and lichens from all parts of the world, but mainly from northern Sweden...
  28. Herpetology Collection NRM
    This database contains information on the so far registered specimens in the Herpetology Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The database is managed with The Artedian collection management system in MS-Access. The main tables describe collecting events and collection objects which are related on a one to many relationships...
  29. Invasive Alien Species in Sweden (Regulation (EU) 1143/2014)
    This checklist includes species from the Invasive Alien Species of Union concern (Union List), which is the core of the Invasive Alien Species Regulation (Regulation (EU) 1143/2014)...
  30. Invertebrates (Type Specimens) of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
    The invertebrate type collection at the Swedish Museum of Natural History houses over 8 000 lots of which about 6 600 have been verified (2015). Mollusca constitute about 20% of the type collection. Other well represented groups are Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Anthozoa, Amphipoda and Echinodermata. The collection houses a large proportion of the type specimens by Ch. Erséus, A. J. Malmgren, A...
  31. Invertebrates Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History
    The invertebrate collections (excluding insects) at the Swedish Museum of Natural History house over 500000 lots in ethanol, dry and on microscope slides. Mollusca constitute more than half of the collections. The geographic scope is worldwide, with a good representation of the Swedish fauna. In 2015, about 30% of the collections have been digitized...
  32. Invertebrates of the Gothenburg Natural History Museum (GNM)
    This database contains specimens of invertebrates from the Gothenburg natural history museum, collected from the early 1800´s to the present. New specimens are added continuously. The main bulk of the collection consists of ethanol-preserved specimens of marine benthic invertebrates (notably L.A...
  33. Juxtacribrilina mutabilis
    21 ASVs of Juxtacribrilina mutabilis (Cribrilina mutabilis), 313bp length of CO1 gene.
  34. Kungsängen soil microbial communities
    Since Linnaeus's time, the Kungsängen Nature Reserve has drawn frequent visitors because of its vegetation including the largest population of Fritillaria meleagris L. in Sweden...
  35. Lepidoptera (Observations)
    This database contains observation data of Lepidoptera at the Entomology Department, Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  36. Lepidoptera (Specimens NRM)
    This database contains specimen data of Lepidoptera at the Entomology Department, Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  37. Limnodata
    Database of observations made by Limnodata HB.
  38. List of sensitive species nationally protected In Sweden
    Species are classified is based on current threats at different protection levels. Records of the listed species are protected from public view i.e. details like exact location, date, name of observer etc. are hidden. The exact geographical coordinates of the recorded location are obfuscated at a scale corresponding to protection level (5 km, 25 km or 50 km)...
  39. Living Collection of the Gothenburg Botanical Garden
    The area in total is 175 hectares (ca 430 acres), of which most constitutes a nature reserve including the arboretum. The garden proper is about 40 hectares and here grow some 16,000 different species and cultivars. There are many different parts of the garden such as the Rhododendron Valley, the Japanese Glade and the Rockgarden...
  40. Lund University Biological Museum - Botanical collection (LD)
    The scientific collections of Lund Universty Botanical Museum (Herbarium LD) comprise 2.5 million specimens divided into algae & cyanobacteria (102 000), bryophytes (149 000), fungi (63 000), lichens (170 000) and vascular plants (2 000 000). The collections go back to the 18th century and represent more than 250 years of scientific research...
  41. Lund University Biological Museum - Insect collections Inventory
    The dataset is a species index of our museum’s holdings of pinned, dry specimens as well as microscope slides in our main collection, with only parts of our wet collection. Each record holds information on the number of specimens by country of origin. The dataset contains over 4 million specimens, of which 70% originate from Sweden...
  42. Lund University Biological Museum - Insect collections Specimens
    The dataset is based on an individual registration database of pinned, dry specimens, microscope slides or wet collection specimens. One record is usually but not always equivalent to one specimen. Some records are multiple specimens on the same pin with the same collecting information or multiple specimens in a vial with ethanol or on a slide, coming from one collecting event...
  43. Lund University Biological Museum - Zoological collections (MZLU)
    This database contains information on birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates, except insects, from the Zoological Collections in the Museum of Biology of Lund, Sweden.
  44. Molluscs of the Gothenburg Natural History Museum (GNM)
    The mollusca database at the Gothenburg Natural History Museum (Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum, GNM) comprises land living mollusca (snails and slugs) from Sweden from the ”Terrestrial invertebrate faunistic research program” of the museum from more than 28.000 localities...
  45. Mosses (S)
    This database contains information on the so far registered bryophyte specimens in the herbarium of the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  46. NRM-Mammals
    This database contains information on the specimens that have been registered so far in the mammal collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. This dataset is based on extensive collections of mammals housed at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, having approximately 120,000 objects, mainly in the form of skeletons and skins, but also alcohol-preserved animals and tissue samples...
  47. National Meadow and Pasture Inventory (TUVA)
    The Meadow and Pasture Inventory is a Swedish national inventory of biologically valuable meadows and pastures. The inventory collects information about a number of natural and cultural environments containing flora and other organisms that are highly dependent on hay-making or grazing animals. In the inventory only nature values connected to hay-making or grazing are assessed...
  48. National Wetland Inventory (NV)
    The national wetland inventory (VMI) has for 25 years made inventories of Swedish wetlands that are situated below the mountain range. Wetlands have been defined in VMI as: "Land where water, for a large part of the year, is close to, in or above the ground, as well as vegetation-covered water areas. At least 50% of the vegetation should be hydrophilic, i.e...
  49. Ornithology Collection NRM
    The bird collection is among the largest in the world. The material includes skins, skeletons, alcohol preparations, eggs, as well as blood and tissue samples. The collection of skins is one of the world's largest and most species-rich, with 65% of the world's species represented...
  50. Oskarshamn herbarium (OHN)
    This database contains information from the herbarium of Oskarshamn, Sweden. Specimens are collected from 1850 and later. The specimens are mainly collected from Sweden, but also from Austria, Norway, France and USA. The collection contains about 220 000 specimens of vascular plants.
  51. PIKE – Distribution, extinctions and introductions of freshwater fish in Sweden
    The PIKE database are assembled by Göran Englund and co-workers at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science at Umeå University. It contains information on presence of fish species, as well as introductions of new species, extinctions and rotenone treatments. Most data has been collected by governmental agencies and individuals who have shared their knowledge and data sets...
  52. Palaeobotanical Collections (PB), Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM)
    metadata typo fixed
  53. Palaeozoological Collections (PZ), Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM)
    This dataset represents the physical and digital holdings of fossil animals at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The collection includes more than one million items, including many type specimens...
  54. Phanerogamic Botanical Collections (S)
    This database contains information on the specimens in the Phanerogamic Botanical Collections of the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  55. Porpoise Observation Database (NRM)
    This data set contains observations of dead or alive harbor porpoises made by the public, mostly around the Swedish coast. A few observations are from Norwegian, Danish, Finish and German waters. Each observation of harbor porpoise is verified at the Swedish Museum of Natural History before it is approved and published on the web...
  56. Risk assessment of invasive taxa in Sweden
    List of risk assessed taxa known to have been introduced to Sweden, or taxa that could be introduced, and where the risk for invasiveness was assessed as ‘Very high risk’, ‘High risk’ or ‘Potentially high risk’ according to the analyses made 2018–2019 through the risk assessment method GEIAA...
  57. SBT-Living
    This dataset consists of data on living organism from the Bergius Botanical Garden, Stockholm. The living collections of the Bergius Botanical Garden - that is, the plants in the garden and in the conservatories, consist of thousands of publicly displayed species...
  58. SHARK - National and regional marine environmental monitoring of Picoplankton in Sweden since 2002
    The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and Umeå University Data are stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive database (SHARK), by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute...
  59. SHARK - National environmental monitoring of Grey seal in Sweden since 1989
    The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Data is stored in the database SHARK, hosted and maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute...
  60. SHARK - National environmental monitoring of Harbour seal in Sweden since 1988
    The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Data is stored in the database SHARK, hosted and maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute...
  61. SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of Bacterioplankton in Sweden since 1989
    The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by Umeå University. Data are stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive (SHARK) by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)...
  62. SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of Epibenthos in Sweden since 1992
    The monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and later the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management took over the responsibility and financing of the program. The monitoring is performed by Stockholm University, University of Gothenburg and Linnaeus University...
  63. SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of Harbour porpoise in Sweden
    The national monitoring program is financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Data are stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive (SHARK) by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)...
  64. SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of Jellyfish in Sweden since 2007
    The national monitoring program is financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by Gothenburg University. Data are stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive (SHARK) by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)...
  65. SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of Phytoplankton in Sweden since 1983
    The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by Stockholm University, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Gothenburg University and Umeå University...
  66. SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of Ringed seal in Sweden since 1995
    Data from the Swedish environmental monitoring program for Ringed seal. The monitoring program was initiated in 1995 by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and later the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management took over the responsibility and financing of the program. The monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History...
  67. SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of Seal pathology in Sweden
    The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Data is stored in the Swedish archive for oceanographic data (SHARK) database, curated by SMHI...
  68. SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of Zoobenthos in Sweden since 1971
    The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by Stockholm University, Gothenburg University, Umeå University and Linnaeus University...
  69. SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of zooplankton in Sweden since 1979
    The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Monitoring is performed by Stockholm University, Umeå University, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and Gothenburg University...
  70. SHARK - Regional marine environmental monitoring and monitoring projects of Epibenthos in Sweden since 1994
    The monitoring is financed by the Swedish county administration boards, Swedish municipalities and Swedish coalitions of water conservation. Recipient control data financed by companies are also included. The data is stored in the database SHARK, hosted and maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute...
  71. SHARK - Regional marine environmental monitoring, recipient control and monitoring projects of Phytoplankton in Sweden since 1985
    The monitoring is financed by the Swedish county administration boards, Swedish municipalities and Swedish coalitions of water conservation. Recipient control data financed by companies are also included. Monitoring is performed by Swedish universities and consulting firms. Data are stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive database (SHARK), by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute...
  72. SHARK - Regional marine environmental monitoring, recipient control and monitoring projects of Zoobenthos in Sweden since 1972
    The monitoring is financed by the Swedish county administration boards, Swedish municipalities, Swedish coalitions of water conservation and Swedish companies. Recipient control data financed by companies are also included. Monitoring is performed by Swedish universities, agencies and consulting firms...
  73. SLU Aqua Institute of Freshwater Research Swedish Electrofishing Registry - SERS
    Electrofishing is a quantitative method to monitor the fish fauna in running waters, allowing fish to be released back alive. SERS consists of results from 81 000 electrofishing occasions all over Sweden, as far as back to the 1950’s...
  74. SLU Aqua Institute of Coastal Research Database for Coastal Fish - KUL
    The Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is responsible of collecting and checking test-fishing data generated in national and regional environmental programs on behalf of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The test fishing is performed with standardized methods...
  75. SLU Aqua Institute of Freshwater Research National register of survey test-fishing - NORS
    Standardized test-fishing with Nordic multi-mesh gillnets is a widely used method in Sweden to investigate the fish fauna in a lake. In 2005 the method became an European standard (EN 14757). Standardized test-fishing catch most of the Swedish species in a representative way, giving a good estimate of species abundance and size distribution...
  76. Seal Observation Database (NRM)
    This data set contains observations of dead seals made by the public, mostly around the Swedish coast. Each observation is verified at the Swedish Museum of Natural History before it is approved and published on the web. The verification consists of controlling the accuracy of coordinates and taxonomic determination...
  77. Soil fungal communities of ectomycorrhizal dominated woodlands across West Africa
    Forests and woodlands in the Guineo-Sudanian transition zone contain many tree species that form symbiotic interactions with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, which facilitate plant growth by increasing nutrient and water uptake. Despite their importance for ecosystem functioning and anthropogenic use, diversity and distribution of ECM fungi is severely under-documented in West Africa...
  78. Swedish Bird Survey: Fixed routes (Standardrutterna)
    The fixed routes (standardrutterna) are one of several schemes within the Swedish Bird Survey (see below), run by the Department of Biology at Lund University, on behalf of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency...
  79. Swedish Bird Survey: Summer point count routes (Sommarpunktrutterna)
    The summer and winter point count routes (“punktrutterna”) are two of several schemes within the Swedish Bird Survey (see below), run by the Department of Biology at Lund University. The point count routes were initiated in 1975 as a standardised method for detecting and reporting changes in the abundance of birds and their distributions in Sweden over time...
  80. Swedish Bird Survey: Swedish coastal bird monitoring programme (Nationella kustfågelövervakningen)
    The Swedish coastal bird monitoring programme (aka the ”Archipelago squares”/”Kustfågelrutorna”) is one of several schemes within the Swedish Bird Survey (see below), run by the Department of Biology at Lund University...
  81. Swedish Bird Survey: Swedish waterbird census (January)
    The Swedish waterbird census in January (Svensk sjöfågelinventering (januari)) was started in 1967 as part of the international midwinter census of waterbirds coordinated by Wetlands International. The winter count of waterbirds is therefore one of the longest running surveys of Swedish birds...
  82. Swedish Bird Survey: Swedish waterbird census (September)
    The Swedish waterbird census in September (Svensk sjöfågelinventering (september)) was started in 1973 as a complement to the Swedish part of the international midwinter census (Swedish waterbird census (January)). It is a valuable tool for monitoring roosting waterbirds as well as finding out which areas are important resting places for migrating waterbirds...
  83. Swedish Bird Survey: Winter point count routes (Vinterpunktrutterna)
    The summer and winter point count routes (“punktrutterna”) are two of several schemes within the Swedish Bird Survey (see below), run by the Department of Biology at Lund University. The point count routes were initiated in 1975 as a standardized method for detecting and reporting changes in the abundance of birds and their distributions in Sweden over time...
  84. Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (SeBMS)
    The SeBMS is a standarised monitoring scheme for monitoring butterflies in Sweden. This dataset includes records from traditional fixed transect sites, often called ‘Pollard Walks’, and point site counts which cover a set area for a standardised visit time...
  85. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Acartophthalmidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  86. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Adelognathinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  87. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Anomaloninae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  88. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Anthomyzidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  89. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Asilidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  90. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Asteiidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  91. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Auchenorrhyncha excl Delphacidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  92. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Aulacigastridae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  93. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Banchini
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  94. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Bethylidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  95. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Brachycyrtinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  96. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Braconidae: Cheloninae: Adelius
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  97. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Cecidomyiidae: Porricondylinae (s lat)
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  98. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Cheloninae excl Adelius
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  99. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Chloropidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  100. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Chrysididae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  101. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Clusiidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  102. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Coleoptera
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  103. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Conopidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  104. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Dermaptera
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  105. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Diacritinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  106. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Diplazontinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  107. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Dixidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  108. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Dolichopodidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  109. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Drosophilidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  110. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Dryinidae, Embolemidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  111. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Dryomyzidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  112. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Eumeninae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  113. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Eupelmidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  114. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Evaniidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  115. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Figitidae excl Charipinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  116. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Formicidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  117. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Gasteruptiidae, Aulacidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  118. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Heleomyzidae, Odiniidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  119. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Heloridae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  120. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Ichneumoninae excl Phaeogenini
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  121. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Ismaridae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  122. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Lauxaniidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  123. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Lonchaeidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  124. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Macrolepidoptera
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  125. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Meteorini
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  126. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Microlepidoptera
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  127. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Milichiidae excl Phyllomyza
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  128. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Muscidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  129. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Mycetophilidae, Keroplatidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  130. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Mymar
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  131. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Neorhacodes
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  132. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Netelia
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  133. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Odonata
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  134. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Omphale
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  135. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Pachyneuridae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  136. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Pallopteridae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  137. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Phoridae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  138. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Phrudus group
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  139. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Pimplinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  140. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Piophilidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  141. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Platygastridae (s str)
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  142. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Plecoptera
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  143. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Poemeniinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  144. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Pompilidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  145. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Psocoptera
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  146. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Psylloidea
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  147. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Rhyssinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  148. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Rogadinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  149. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Sciomyzidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  150. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Sepsidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  151. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Sphecidae (s lat)
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  152. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Strepsiptera
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  153. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Symphyta
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  154. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Syrphidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  155. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Tephritidae, Ulidiidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  156. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Therevidae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  157. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Thysanoptera
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  158. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Trichoptera
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  159. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Trixoscelididae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  160. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Vespinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  161. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - Xoridinae
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  162. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - small Sciaroidea families
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  163. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) - small parasitic aculeate families
    Occurrences in this dataset on Swedish Insects have been identified from specimens collected from for the Swedish Malaise Project (SMTP), an inventory funded by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken). These records comprise the foundation for recent estimates on the size and composition of the Swedish insect fauna, published herein as sample-based datasets.
  164. Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) Collection Inventory
    SMTP data are occurrence data from a major inventory project targeting mainly flying insects, where Malaise traps were collecting on a large number of localities throughout Sweden during 2003-2006. The project is a part of the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative, and is currently run from Station Linné on Öland...
  165. Swedish National Forest Inventory: Presence-absence vegetation data (1995-2017, discontinued sample)
    The Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) is a sample based field inventory performed by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The annual inventory is undertaken on sample plots and this forms the basis for a large number of estimates. Data is collected across the whole of Sweden and statistics are published for all land use classes except urban land and sea and fresh water.
  166. Swedish National Forest Inventory: Presence-absence vegetation data (1995-current)
    The Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI) is a sample based field inventory performed by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The annual inventory is undertaken on sample plots and this forms the basis for a large number of estimates. Data is collected across the whole of Sweden and statistics are published for all land use classes except urban land and sea and fresh water.
  167. Terrestrial and Limnic Invertebrate Collection
    This dataset contains specimen data of terrestrial and limnic invertebrates from Gothenburg natural history museum. The collections contain several million specimens and new material are digitized continuously. It includes mostly Swedish specimens but also material collected in other parts of the world...
  168. The Bergius Herbarium
    The Bergius Herbarium is the Bergius Foundations historical collection. It consists mainly of P.J. Bergius own collection with some additions made by the two first Professor Bergiani, O. Swartz and J.E. Wikström. The last accessions were made in 1856. The Bergius Herbarium includes specimens of angiosperms, gymnosperms, algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens, including some type specimens...
  169. The Swedish Red List 2020
    The Swedish Red List is produced by the Swedish Species Information Centre at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU Artdatabanken). The Swedish Red List 2020, published on April 22 2020, is the fifth Swedish Red List based on the IUCN Red List Criteria...
  170. Vertebrates of the Gothenburg Natural History Museum (GNM)
    This database contains specimens of vertebrates from the Gothenburg Natural History Museum, collected from the early 1800's to present. New specimens are added continuously. Most of the birds and mammals are preserved as skins, while most fishes, amphibians and reptiles are preserved in alcohol...
  171. Zoology (Museum of Evolution - Uppsala)
    Database of the zoology collection of the Museum of Evolution in Uppsala.
  172. Ájtte Collection
    Ájtte Museum is one of the museums in Sweden that actively works with the collection and preservation of natural history material. The purpose of the collection is to build a special collection with the overall heading: "nature of the mountains". The collected material includes birds, mammals, fish, fungi, minerals, rocks and botanicals...

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