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Lund University Biological Museum - Botanical collection (LD)

This dataset that contains primary occurrence data for species.


The scientific collections of Lund Universty Botanical Museum (Herbarium LD) comprise 2.5 million specimens divided into algae & cyanobacteria (102 000), bryophytes (149 000), fungi (63 000), lichens (170 000) and vascular plants (2 000 000). The collections go back to the 18th century and represent more than 250 years of scientific research. Coverage is worldwide with particularly important collections from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Greece, Turkey, North Africa, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Australia.

Geographic Description

Specimens worldwide from Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Oceania and Antarctica. Particularly important collections from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Greece, Turkey, North Africa, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Australia.

Type of content

Includes: Point occurrence data.


Wittzell H (2025). Lund University Biological Museum - Botanical collection (LD). Version 362.869. Lund University Biological Museum. Occurrence dataset.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License.

Digitised records

Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure. This resource was last checked for updated data on 13 Jan 2025. The most recent data was published on 12 Jan 2025.

Metadata last updated on 2025-01-13 08:11:10.0
