Swedish Museum of Natural History


The Swedish Museum of Natural History houses scientifically important biological and geological collections. The Swedish Museum of Natural History, comprising ca. 11 million specimens, is one of the larger natural history collections in the world.

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Metadata last updated on 2023-03-30 10:27:29.0


  1. Algae Collection This database contains information on the algae specimens registered so far in the herbarium of the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  2. Entomological Collections (NRM) The dataset represents the digital holdings of insects, arachnids (mites and spiders) and myriapods (millipedes and centipedes) at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. These collections include over three million specimens, are international in scope, and have broad systematic and geographic coverage.
  3. Fish Collection NRM This database contains information on the so far registered specimens in the fish collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The database is managed with The Artedian collection management system in MS-Access. The main tables describe collecting events and collection objects which are related on a one to many relationships...
  4. Fishbase Database FishBase is a global biodiversity information system on finfishes. From its initial goal to provide key facts on population dynamics for 200 major commercial species, FishBase has now grown to having a wide range of information on all species currently known in the world: taxonomy, biology, trophic ecology, life history, and uses, as well as historical data reaching back to 250 years.
  5. Fungi Collection This database contains information on the fungi specimens registered so far in the herbarium of the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  6. Herpetology Collection NRM This database contains information on the so far registered specimens in the Herpetology Collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The database is managed with The Artedian collection management system in MS-Access. The main tables describe collecting events and collection objects which are related on a one to many relationships...
  7. Invertebrates Collection NRM The invertebrate collections (excluding insects) at the Swedish Museum of Natural History house over 500000 lots in ethanol, dry and on microscope slides. Mollusca constitute more than half of the invertebrate collection, about 280.000 dry lots and about 40.000 lots in alcohol. The geographic scope is worldwide, with a good representation of the Swedish fauna...
  8. Invertebrates Type Specimen Collection NRM The invertebrate type specimen collection at the Swedish Museum of Natural History houses over 8,000 lots of which about 6,600 have been verified (2015). 55% of the collection is georeferenced. The collection houses a large proportion of the type specimens collected by Ch. Erséus, A. J. Malmgren, A. Warén, O. Carlgren, S. Lovén, S. Boström, U. Jondelius, S. Stöhr, A. V. Ljungman, H...
  9. Lepidoptera Collection NRM This database contains specimen data of Lepidoptera at the Entomology Department, Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  10. Lepidoptera Observations This database contains observation data of Lepidoptera at the Entomology Department, Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  11. Moss Collection This database contains information on the so far registered bryophyte specimens in the herbarium of the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  12. NRM-Mammals This database contains information on the specimens that have been registered so far in the mammal collection of the Swedish Museum of Natural History. This dataset is based on extensive collections of mammals housed at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, having approximately 120,000 objects, mainly in the form of skeletons and skins, but also alcohol-preserved animals and tissue samples...
  13. Ornithology Collection NRM The bird collection is among the largest in the world. The material includes skins, skeletons, alcohol preparations, eggs, as well as blood and tissue samples. The collection of skins is one of the world's largest and most species-rich, with 65% of the world's species represented...
  14. Paleontology Collections, Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM) This dataset represents the physical and digital holdings of fossil plants and animals at the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  15. Phanerogamic Botanical Collections This database contains information on the specimens in the Phanerogamic Botanical Collections of the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
  16. Porpoise Observation Database This data set contains observations of dead or alive harbor porpoises made by the public, mostly around the Swedish coast. A few observations are from Norwegian, Danish, Finish and German waters. Each observation of harbor porpoise is verified at the Swedish Museum of Natural History before it is approved and published on the web...
  17. Seal Observation Database (NRM) This data set contains observations of dead seals made by the public, mostly around the Swedish coast. Each observation is verified at the Swedish Museum of Natural History before it is approved and published on the web. The verification consists of controlling the accuracy of coordinates and taxonomic determination...
  18. Swedish Bird Ringing Centre This database contains information about bird ringing in Sweden. The Swedish Bird Ringing Centre administers all scientific ringing of wild birds in Sweden. Since bird ringing began in Sweden in 1911 more than twelve million individual birds have been ringed of which more than 158 000 have been recovered.
  19. Swedish Malaise Trap Project - Collection Inventory SMTP data are occurrence data from a major inventory project targeting mainly flying insects, where Malaise traps were collecting on a large number of localities throughout Sweden during 2003-2006. The project is a part of the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative, and is currently run from Station Linné on Öland...

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