CO1 Amplicon Sequence Variants of bulk arthropod samples (homogenized) collected with Malaise traps from the Insect Biome Atlas project in Sweden

Swedish Museum of Natural History

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Amplicon Sequence Variants of 418bp of CO1 from homogenized arthropod community samples collected with Malaise traps from the Insect Biome Atlas project in Sweden, as described in the IBA data paper. This dataset was published via the SBDI ASV portal, and has been updated from 'Metadata only' to 'Occurrence' type. Occurrence data were compiled from the following IBA Figshare items: Processed ASV data from the Insect Biome Atlas Project v3: cleaned_noise_filtered_cluster_taxonomy_SE.tsv.gzspikeins_tax_SE.tsv.gz Amplicon sequence variants from the Insect Biome Atlas project v6: co1_asv_counts_se.tsv.gzco1_asv_seqs_se.fasta.gz The following samples were excluded from this resource due to low read counts: P28409_1377, P28409_1378, P28409_1379, P28409_1380, P28409_1382, P28409_1383, P28410_1334, P28410_1392; or lack of non-zero counts for annotated ASVs: P27361_1636, P28410_1037, P28410_1049.

Taxonomic range

Kingdoms covered include: Animalia.

Number of samples in the collection

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Metadata last updated on 2025-02-13 15:20:40.0

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