Lund University Biological Museum - Insect collections Specimens

Lund University Biological Museum

Life Science Identifier (LSID):

LSIDs are persistent, location-independent,resource identifiers for uniquely naming biologically significant resources including species names, concepts, occurrences, genes or proteins, or data objects that encode information about them. To put it simply, LSIDs are a way to identify and locate pieces of biological information on the web.


The dataset is based on an individual registration database of pinned, dry specimens, microscope slides or wet collection specimens. One record is usually but not always equivalent to one specimen. Some records are multiple specimens on the same pin with the same collecting information or multiple specimens in a vial with ethanol or on a slide, coming from one collecting event. The dataset contains close to 300 000 specimens, of which 83 % originate from Sweden. It is not representative of our collection as the data were gathered based on special project needs.

Taxonomic range

Kingdoms covered include: Animalia.

Number of specimens in the collection

Click the Records & Statistics tab to access those database records that are available through the atlas.

Metadata last updated on 2025-01-10 14:35:06.0

Digitised records available through the Atlas

Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure
Click to view all records for the Lund University Biological Museum - Insect collections Specimens collection

No records are available for viewing in the SBDI.

Images from this collection