SHARK - Phyto- and Microzooplankton Data Collected by Imaging FlowCytobots (IFCB) in Swedish and Adjacent Waters
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Data is stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive database (SHARK), by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, National Oceanographic Data Centre.Monitoring is performed by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. The monitoring is financed by monitoring projects.In short, analysis of phyto- and microzooplankton species composition, abundance and biomass is carried out for the following purposes.To describe temporal trends as well as the intensity and occurrence of blooms.To describe the spatial distribution of species.To identify key species (e.g. dominating, harmful, potential non-indigenous and/or invasive species, as well as indicator species).To provide basic data for complex ecosystem analyses, food web studies, modelling as well as for requirements in the frame of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive of the European Union (MSFD European Union 2008) and the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD European Union 2000).In this dataset you will find data from Tangesund oceanographic platform, Swedish Skagerrak coast year 2016 (IFCB110), and from R/V Svea from year 2022 onwards (IFCB134). Other sampling platforms are possible.
Taxonomic range
Kingdoms covered include: Eubacteria.
Number of specimens in the collection
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Metadata last updated on 2025-03-03 10:20:08.0
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