Umeå University


Umeå University was founded in 1965 and is Sweden's fifth oldest university. Research at Umeå University is innovative and extends over many disciplines and scientific fields.

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Metadata last updated on 2023-03-23 12:21:47.0


  1. Herbarium of Umeå University Herbarium UME is a public research herbarium encompassing approximately 300 000 specimens of vascular plants, mosses, algae, fungi and lichens from all parts of the world, but mainly from northern Sweden...
  2. PIKE – Distribution, extinctions and introductions of freshwater fish in Sweden - Collection The PIKE database are assembled by Göran Englund and co-workers at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science at Umeå University. It contains information on presence of fish species, as well as introductions of new species, extinctions and rotenone treatments. Most data has been collected by governmental agencies and individuals who have shared their knowledge and data sets...

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